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Christmas Program Builder No. 58
Creative Resources for Program Directors
Compiled by: Kimberly Messer

Suggested Use: Worship services, Programs for Christmas or Advent, Sunday School, and Children's Worship services
Topics: Advent, Children's Christmas Program, Christmas Pageants, Christmas Program Builders, Christmas Program Resources, Christmas Scripts, Giving, Jesus' Birth, Mary, the Mother of Jesus, Saint Nicholas, Zechariah & Elizabeth
Hardly anything is more precious than seeing a children's program in our church at Christmas time. This latest builder provides material for several age groups-preschoolers, 5 to 7 year olds, and 8 to 10 year olds-to help you create a memorable production. Use several recitations along with music to craft a work of any length, or stage the short play, "Mary and the Christ Child" which tells the story of Jesus' birth using children, adults, and familiar songs. In addition, there are readings, short sketches, and another brief play. Add this edition to your collection today!
Performance Royalty: Nonroyalty; must purchase 3 copies of MC-158 for permission to photocopy and/or perform.

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    Sample: Mary and the Christ Child
    Sample: Conversations with Gabriel
    Sample: Secret Service
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