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Quick Start Drama for Kids: Christmas
No Rehearsal Bible Skits for Classroom or Performance

Cast: Cast requirements vary; many scripts are flexible.
Suggested Use: Scripts require little to no rehearsal, so may be used in classroom, children's church, or in performance.
Topics: Advent, Children's Christmas Program, Children's Ministry, Christmas Program Resources, Christmas Scripts, Hope, Humor, Jesus' Birth, Joy, Love, Nativity, Peace, Repent or Repentance, Salvation
Another winner in the Quick Start series, this latest book delivers you seasonal drama for kids, and it's virtually rehearsal free. Includes a "Just Add Imagination" section with easy creative drama ideas, Advent Wreath material, pieces for preschoolers, scenes for Living Christmas Cards, and other scripts that involve movement and props. Use Quick Start Drama for Kids: Christmas in the classroom to bring the Christmas story to life, and then take the material to the stage for use during Advent. Several program orders with suggested songs for the kids' choir and congregation are offered to make it easy for you to do a complete service.
Performance Royalty: Nonroyalty

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Flash Card Welcome
For Advent
The Prince and the Pauper
Christmas Questions
The Turn Around Christmas Story
Christmas Tide
Christmas Lines
The Gifts Of Christmas
Living Christmas Cards
Night Fell

Table of contents
Biblical References
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