How-To's of Budget Planning
“O, for a Thousand Bucks to raise . . .”
Budget building is one of the most tedious, yet important processes the minister of music endures each year. As “un-musical” as it seems, this task allows us to dream and envision the future for our ministry. It’s also a good check list for our priorities, providing an overview of our direction and purpose. Then, when accepted and implemented, our budget allowances let us soar, giving life to what once were only plans on paper.

The first step in building a budget is defining your philosophy. In doing so, you demonstrate to your church the need and responsibility for financially supporting your ministry. I like to provide the following Scripture passages (to anybody who will listen) as a “Biblical basis” for the music ministry in my church and thus for the budget that supports it.

1 TIMOTHY 3:16: Since all Scripture is inspired and profitable for, among other things, doctrine, then we can rely on principles from throughout the Bible to guide and support our ministry.
1 CHRONICLES 15:22: Ancient Israel knew the importance and validity of setting apart and training people for the ministry of music in the temple, recognizing those who were skilled and gifted.
2 CHRONICLES 5:11-14: A beautiful example of providing appropriate music for the occasion. And just look what happened when they “joined as one”!
EPHESIANS 5:19: An encouragement to utilize a variety of sources from artistic anthems to timeless, corporate expressions to personal, more subjective offerings.
The next step is to determine what areas of ministry are to be underwritten and how much money is needed for the year to support these endeavors. Obviously, the amount of money allotted to music ministry will vary greatly from church to church, but 2% – 3% of a total church budget is a reasonable goal. It might be helpful to provide a calendar of expected expenditures, with cost estimates, so as to alleviate any cash flow fears.

When considering areas of ministry to be funded, here are some line items you might want to include:
  1. PRINTED MUSIC: Explain the complexity, and in some cases illegality of photocopying music. Be sure to define, too, all choirs and ensembles that will be needing music.
  2. INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE/PURCHASE: Explain tuning costs and replacement or additional costs.
  3. CHOIR ROBE REPLACEMENT AND CLEANING: A uniform and attractive look says a lot as to how we feel about what we sing. New members will need to be accommodated and old, worn garments should be replaced.
  4. CHOIR SOCIALS AND RECOGNITION: A chance for choir members to enjoy fellowship in a different setting, and a chance for the church to say thanks.
  5. CONTINUING EDUCATION: Music ministers and the churches they serve are enriched when workshop and clinic opportunities are afforded.
  6. GUEST OR SUBSTITUTE MUSICIANS: For those churches where paid positions are offered, this allows compensation for substitutes or an honorarium for a special guest.
The final step is presenting your budget requests to the appropriate person or committee. For some, the entire concept of a music ministry budget may have to be presented for the first time. Discover when the budget building process in your church begins and what the procedures are. Then get busy . . . the new year will be here before you know it, and your dreams and plans are just waiting to come to life!

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