5 Tips from Youth for Quiet Time
"Kick your siblings out of the room." —Matt, 15 "Try reading a little of your Bible every day, even if it's only a few verses. I find that reading just a little bit every day gets me into the habit of doing my devotional, and then I don't even think about it, because it becomes a natural part of my day. Giving a portion of my day to God like this always improves my mood and clears my conscience, just give it a try." —Lauren, 18 "Turn off the TV." —Trey, 16 "My tip to any teen is not to make anything too much of a habit. Find a new place to worship in silence everyday. The last thing we want to do is commercialize God." —Clay, 16 "Get a devotional book that you like." —Chelsea, 16 Holiness Today, May/June 2008