Reliable Sources
by Brian Bowman
We call it "the gospel according to Lexi and Kayla." Even though these two sisters from our neighborhood are just a few years older than my 10-year-old son, he accepts much of what they say as absolute truth. Almost weekly they present him with a new "teaching" that my wife and I must refute. I believe they are teasing him, but Alec tends to be literal and often misses the humor. Then again, maybe the girls really do believe in werewolves and that monsters come out of the bathroom sink at night.

We face a similar problem in our churches. I know of one Nazarene woman who believed that we become angels when we die. Where did she obtain such a belief? Many in our denomination have heard "contrary gospels," teachings that don't line up with sound biblical instruction. Unfortunately, people are embracing these incorrect teachings. What can we do to counteract this alarming trend? 

We must guard our minds from erroneous beliefs. As we do so, we'll also ensure the spiritual integrity of our homes, our churches, our denomination, and ourselves. 

Brian Bowman pastors Grace Harbor Church of the Nazarene in Green Bay, Wisconsion.

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