Seeing Through Your Mistakes
by Shane Burt-Miller
Seeking advice and clearing any tension in the air with friends or with grades in school are great ways to take responsibility. Working through mistakes can be very hard and painful, but the Bible tells us in Philippians 4:13 that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Journeying with God every day means allowing Him to be involved in your life, even in those moments when you make mistakes. He wants to help you become stronger and learn from your mistakes so that you can help others avoid the same ones.
Making very important decisions can be frightening because you don't want to make errors.
When it comes to important decisions, I always talk to someone I know can provide meaningful advice. —Sarah, age 15

Talking to someone can truly help because even if a wrong decision is made, you can have someone to stand by your side as you work through the situations.
Philippians 4:6 says you should not worry about things, but pray to God when there are tough things on your mind. Not only can God provide a way in the midst of the toughest decisions, but He also desires to journey with you through those challenging times and help you move forward

Young people face many different situations in life, including those with hardships and difficulties. Sometimes making mistakes causes something to go totally wrong. During these moments, trying to figure out how to move forward can be very scary.
When I make a mistake, I seek advice from someone I believe can help me process through and learn from my mistake. —Tyler, age 15

Unfortunately, many people do not reflect on how they can learn from their mistakes as they journey through life.
High school can be a challenging time. You face many different situations with friends, including times when a decision may ruin a friendship or lead to poor grades.

When things like this happen to me I often confess my mistakes to those I may have affected and try to solve any issues that I can. I also seek my father for guidance through many of these issues. —Jordan, age 15

Jordan's response is very important because as you gain more and more independence you should strive to be your best and take responsibility for your actions.
Many times people try to fix their mistakes, but actually end up making things worse. Seek God when you are going through tough situations. Also, talk to others for advice and support. God will provide answers for your problems.
He desires for us to learn from our mistakes so that we may be able to make wiser decisions in the future. He may place people in our lives to guide us or simply open up doors that we would have never believed possible. Matthew 19:26 boldly declares, "All things are possible with God."
Young people, continue to put your trust in God and understand that He loves you.
Because of God’s great love, He desires to help you when you make mistakes.
Because of Him, you can boldly stand up and keep moving forward without shame!
The Lord will carry you through. He is a mighty God, a great teacher, and an awesome provider! Keep trusting Him.
Shane Burt-Miller is youth pastor at Bronx, New York, Bethany Church of the Nazarene.

Holiness Today
Spring 2014