A group of 37 people from the USA and Canada traveled to Brazil from March 1-9, 2004. The participants and spouses represented 18 districts as well as the general NMI council and the general NMI office. The hosts were Bob and Frances Collins, former missionaries to Brazil.
Metro Campinas with a population of one million—where the Church of the Nazarene started in Brazil in 1959—served as the site of the project. Activities included painting a compassionate ministries center and two small churches (Nova Odessa and Betesda); conducting NMI training sessions with more than 250 attending from the 15 districts of Brazil; visiting the various ministries of Central Church of the Nazarene; and worshiping with the people of Brazil. Geraldo Nunes served as the local coordinator.
One of the highlights of the project was worshiping at Campinas Central, the largest Church of the Nazarene in the world with 5,500 members. The sanctuary, accommodating 3,000, often overflows in six major services each week—four on Sunday, Monday evening, and Tuesday evening. It is estimated that the unduplicated worship attendance on Sunday is approximately 10,000.
Susan Day, president of the North Florida District NMI, said, “We had the privilege of seeing the success of missions—a return on our investment of time, effort, and money raised, which only eternity will be able to calculate. This may have been my first Work and Witness, but I'm praying it won't be my last!"
“As I reflect on my Brazil trip," said Margaret Rossiter, general council member from Canada, “I recall beautiful, warm, friendly, thoughtful, Spirit-filled people who truly worship the Lord. I am so thankful that I had the privilege of working with some of God's finest saints. I would do it again!"
—Wes Eby, General NMI Office