Sixty-three women attended the June 6-8 retreat at Venezuela's Campamento Jiraquito. Special speakers Nancy Cordero, Elena Camargo, and Loida Cordero spoke on such topics as realizing dreams, the discipline of silent expectation, forgiveness, and reconciliation.
The women also participated in three round table discussions identifying the characteristics of successful women of influence, defining a successful women's ministry, and clarifying the reality of women in today's communities.
The retreat was the realization of a five-year old vision for missionary Gail Zickefoose. At Venezuela's 20th Anniversary Celebration in March 2002, the pieces began to fall into place as leaders surfaced, needs were clarified, and the church focused on meeting those needs.
Nancy Cordero became the leader of the group when she hosted a workshop addressing the healing of abused women. Cordero and Zickefoose then decided the heart of the ministry needed to be in the local church.
Plans are already underway for similar retreats to be held in the region.
--NCN News-SAM