Fast Facts: September/October 05
Out of every dollar spent in a local Church of the Nazarene last year, nine cents went to missions. Twenty-three cents went to pay for buildings, including indebtedness on the properties, while seven cents supported our districts and colleges. Figures for staff expenses were only available in Canada and the United States, where twenty-nine cents of each dollar went for salaries, benefits, and housing allowances. These are the breakdowns of money spent in major categories, as reported by the 2004 assemblies:
23 cents for buildings and
29 cents for staff costs*
30 cents for other local
expenses (outreach,
literature, utilities,
programs, and so on)*
4.5 cents for district
3.5 cents for educational
8.5 cents for World
Evangelism Fund, approved
specials, and sponsorship
of new churches
1.5 cents for other general
support (primarily Pensions
programs) *Ratio based on figures from Canada and the U.S., since world areas did not report these categories.
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