What is RSS?

RSS, which stands for Really Simple Syndication, is an easy way to keep up with your favorite news and information. An RSS feed contains headlines, summaries, and links to full news stories on this site.  Most web browsers will assist you in adding the feed to your favorite RSS reader.

What are RSS Readers?

RSS news readers are programs or websites that aggregate RSS feeds and display the story information. They allow you to store, sort, and scan headlines from multiple sources in one place.

Where Can I Get an RSS Reader?

There are a wide range of RSS readers available to you. Some readers are web-based while others require you to download a small software program onto your computer. Most are free to use. Popular web-based RSS readers include:

How Do I Use RSS from this Site?

If you choose to use any of the services listed above, all you need to do is click on the "add to..." link next to each service. If you choose one not listed above, you will be prompted for the URL to the RSS feed. This site currently provides these options. Simply copy and paste this address into your reader:

  • Main feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/holinesstoday

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