Does God Still Answer Prayer II
By Bev Manzer
September 13, 1960-March 26, 2009

In 1966 I wrote an article titled, "From Hole Heart to Whole Heart" about our son, David's, first surgery to repair a large hole in his heart. His mitral valve had also been damaged. The article was published in the Herald of Holiness.

At that time he was told by the doctors he would be in a wheelchair by the time he was in high school, would never hold down a full-time job and probably would never have children. We told him the doctors had not put God into the equation, to just go on living day by day and we would trust God.

He lived an extremely full life for 42 years. He married, had three children and worked as a Division 1 assistant basketball coach and as the head basketball coach at Messiah College. When he started not feeling well, he and a friend started up a training academy.

Following is the story which shares what maturity in Christ did for him over the years until he passed away in March of this year.

As his father looked out the seventh floor hospital window with tears in his eyes, he cried out to God, "Where have you taken my boy?" Our boy, now a man of 48 years, waited 11 long, painful months for a heart and a kidney, but none came, so eternity with Christ was to be his home.

However, during those long, difficult months, this man called David never neglected every opportunity to witness of his Lord and Savior's redemptive work in his life. Walking was very difficult as weakness began to set it in, but on one of his walks, as he gazed from the seventh floor over the city, he heard the nurses tell of the flood they had just been through, pointing out the hardest hit areas.

When they suggested they head back to his room, he said, "Wait a minute. I want to tell you about another flood that happened hundreds of years ago. A man named Noah, righteous before God and obedient to the point of embarrassment to his family and friends, was told by God that because of the rampant evil in the world, He was going to destroy it by a huge flood and only the righteous would be saved. Today, God still places judgment on those whose evil is not covered by the blood Jesus shed. I want you to think about that and I will pray for you."

A physician's assistant to his heart doctor sat in front of this man we called David and held his hands as her eyes penetrated his and told him of a very painful upcoming procedure he would have to endure. When she completed her explanation, she asked him if he had any questions. As though oblivious concerning the future test, he said, "Just one, do you love Jesus?"

Not a painful day went by that he did not give glory to his Savior by always thanking everyone who "hurt" him-such as the five to eight daily pricks for blood from his finger, then the same number of insulin shots a day until both arms were black and blue. But he always said, "Thanks, you helped me."

Suctioning was a choking horror to him, as many, many times a day--day after day--a long rubber tube was inserted into his vent and down into his lungs to take out the secretions. Following this tortuous procedure, he always shook the hand of the respiratory therapist and said, "Thank you."

The housekeeper was not left out, as he praised her for keeping his room clean and told her that Jesus loved her for doing it.

We healthy people need to take a lesson from this man called David and be as forthright and simple in sharing the love of Jesus and our concern for the spiritual welfare of our family and friends as God gives us the opportunity. It has changed the way we deal with people and their relationship with Christ.

Holiness Today

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