Food Security Through Agriculture in Zambia
Representatives of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) recently participated in a project to evaluate food needs in Zambia. NCM and their donor partners, including Foods Resource Bank (FRB), a multi-denominational Christian organization that seeks to provide food to hungry communities, toured the country in June to determine how to meet the needs of the nation's disadvantaged people. "FRB is funding three projects in Zambia and one in Liberia," said Trino Jara of Helping Hands-Africa, a part of NCM. Jara accompanied Cort Miller of NCM, and Joan Fumetti and Bev Abma of FRB as the team traveled to Choma, Kitwe, and Lusaka evaluating projects that promote food security through agriculture. According to Jara, these projects, which are implemented through Church of the Nazarene infrastructure, are reaching more than 10,000 people. Miller emphasized the team's function: "NCM tries to be a holistic ministry of the church recognizing that in addition to reaching out with the good news of the Gospel, we also reach out in a temporal way, coming to people in their time of need." The NCM agriculture projects aim to promote food security for the most vulnerable in society, including children. "People of the local communities must be empowered and resourced in a way that creates sustainability and not dependency. Through these proposals, I've seen that this sustainability is being created," said Miller. NCM is part of the denomination's World Mission Department (WMD). Louie E. Bustle serves as director of WMD Holiness Today, September/October 2004
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