From Hawaii to Bangladesh
Why would a group of pastors travel 6,901 miles from Hawaii to Bangladesh? The answer is simple: to share the love of God with the lost.

Robert Killen, District Superintendent (DS) for the Hawaii Pacific District, led a group of pastors and spouses on a life-changing trip to Bangladesh to deliver a set of JESUS film equipment to a team of nationals. The equipment is used to show the JESUS film in areas where the people have not been exposed to the gospel. Many hear the message of Jesus' love and sacrifice for the first time through the film.

Since 1998, 672,611 individuals have made decisions for Christ in Bangladesh through the JESUS film ministry. Killen said, "The JESUS film has been used in the country for several years. They have an organized system in place for using the film and a follow-up method that is working in an unbelievable way! The follow-up is done by local pastors. The vast majority of the people in the churches are new believers. These new Christians are on fire for Jesus and eager to learn."

On the Bangladesh trip, Killen and the pastors led workshops on prayer, evangelism, discipleship, and church multiplication. Killen said, "We were asked to share with them about ministry in Hawaii, but we felt we needed to sit at their feet and learn from what they are doing there. These sessions ended with local pastors sharing their stories of God's faithfulness. We were blessed and humbled as we learned from them and we are grateful for the time the Nazarene leaders in Bangladesh spent with us. The great works they're doing with so little challenged us and made evident what little work we're doing with so much!"

Thanks to generous donations, JESUS Film Harvest Partners is able to provide a set of equipment at no cost to district superintendent-led pastor trips. The participants are responsible for travel costs only. The team transports the equipment as part of their luggage to deliver it to high priority areas. Additionally, the team has an opportunity to see a JESUS film showing in the country.

Killen said, "We were able to participate in the JESUS film showing as observers. The JESUS film team is made up of nationals from the country who know the customs. Because of the opposing religious groups in the area, it is not safe for the team to have a public altar call, so viewers are invited to a meeting the next day where the plan of salvation is shared." The JESUS film team members often use the EvangeCube to explain the gospel message at these meetings.

To organize a DS-led trip to a priority location in Africa, the Caribbean, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, or South America, or to fund a set of equipment ($6,000 USD) for a DS or Pastor trip to a priority location, call 913-663-5700 or visit

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