Here are some places to find out more about how you can pray for those who are suffering for their faith in Christ around the world. International Christian Concern An non-profit, interdenominational human rights organization dedicated to assisting and sustaining Christians who are victims of persecution and discrimination due to the practicing their faith. Voice of the Martyrs A non-profit, interdenominational organization with a vision for aiding Christians around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ, fulfilling the Great Commission, and educating the world about the ongoing persecution of Christians. Christians in Crisis A prayer advocacy ministry that prays for the persecuted church worldwide, the people who persecute them, and all those needing to come to salvation through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Smyrna Ministries International The mission of Smyrna Ministries International is to serve the persecuted church in the Islamic context and to challenge the body of Christ to respond to the situation. Holiness Today, March/April 2008
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