Christmas--A Time to Welcome Jesus
by Mindy Bowne Hancock
When Jesus came to earth, he was warmly welcomed not just by Mary and Joseph, but by lowly shepherds and wise men-who some theologians speculate were kings. These pictures are easy to visualize. It's simple to imagine the disciples welcoming Jesus who was present in the flesh. They could sit and listen to, dine with, and learn from His teachings.

Welcoming Jesus today is a little more elusive. But it's still possible to do in a tangible sense. In Matthew 25:40, Jesus tells us, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these . . . you did for me." Jesus waits to greet us in the form of the loneliest people we know-a needy person at your local rescue mission, or the woman from church who lives at the nursing home-as well as in the lives of those we know whose needs are a little less dramatic or obvious.

Jesus waits for you with open arms, as Mother Theresa put it, in the "distressing disguise" of the poorest of the poor-or any time you minister to anyone who needs His touch. Keep in mind, though, that Christmas is not a time for "charity."

It's a time for exchanging gifts. Your lonely neighbor needs to talk, and maybe you need to learn to listen. A person on the other side of the world may need a meal, and maybe you need to learn to share. We really do need each other on this journey of welcoming Jesus. Christmas isn't the only time to welcome Jesus, but it's a wonderful time to begin.

Mindy Bowne Hancock
pastors Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Kansas City.
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