General NMI Council reflects diversity
The General NMI Convention delegates in regional caucuses elected representatives to serve on the General NMI Council for the next quadrennium. This policy-making NMI group consists of one representative from each World Mission region and each region within USA/Canada.

A special point of interest is that five men were elected to the council. “While men have served on the council since 1972," says Nina Gunter, general NMI director, “this is the first time that one-third of the council has been men." The group of 15 includes 9 new members and 6 incumbents. Those elected by region are as follows:

Africa: Esther Ribisi
Asia-Pacific: Raquel Fausto
Canada: Elizabeth Wall
Caribbean: Jennifer Brown
Central USA: Carol Techau
East Central USA: Sue Call
Eastern USA: Gerry Perry
Eurasia: Philip Weatherill
Mexico/Central America: Ana Maria Crocker de Diaz
North Central USA: Susan Dillow
Northwest USA: Bob Shea
South America: Marcos Vinicios Monteiro Pedrosa
South Central USA: Wes Harper
Southeast USA: Carol Anne Eby
Southwest USA: Theron Friberg