Follow Abraham through some of the more trying times of his life as a chosen follower of God.


Creatively imagine what Sarah's difficult life alongside Abraham must have been like.


We know him as "a man after God's own heart" — but do we know how he got that way?


A lot of inner turmoil accompanies the responsibility of giving birth to and raising the Savior of the world.



What is Named

The people in Scripture were particular; historical. They wrestled with insecurities, occasionally they lay on their backs and looked at the stars, they asked God big questions, and they got angry when the break room had no coffee.

Named is a small-group resource that tells the story of people from Scripture through a new lens—exploring the mystery of faith with a literary touch. Each series introduces six different characters in the Bible, unpacking one every week. Become acquainted with the people identified by God in a story as particular as yours.

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