
Abraham follows the father of faith through some of the more confusing events of his life, including his various conversations with God, his attempt to save himself and his family from famine, and his ultimate test from God regarding Abraham's precious son, Isaac.

Lessons in Abraham include: The Departure, The Crossroads, The Covenant, The Friendship, The Assurance, and The Foreshadowing.

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Sarah contains imaginative stories that explore some of the key moments in her life, including her marriage, her struggle with infertility, her jealousy of Hagar, and her deep love for her son.

Lessons in Sarah include: The Bride, The Barren, The Helpless, The Miracle, The Threat, and The Grieving.

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David's life is marked by growth, learning from his own mistakes, persistence, and continually maturing wisdom. God makes David into a great leader because David fully surrenders his humanity to God.

Lessons in David include: The Rising, The Reckoning, The Promise, The Intent, The Resolve, and The Sacrifice.

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The pattern of Mary's life follows a familiar road any Christian might recognize in varying detail. God radically reorients the life of a believer, and even the mother of God’s own Son is not exempt from that reorientation.

Lessons in Mary include: The Expectation, The Rift, The Release, The Unfolding, The Disillusionment, and The Abiding.

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The Followers

They are among the first to recognize Jesus for who he really is. And, like us, they have a choice: to walk away from this challenging life of faith, or to embrace it—joys, hardships, uncertainties, and all.

The Followers include: Mary, Mary Magdalene, Stephen, Barnabas, Luke, and Paul.

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The Despised

The people whose stories are told here are all despised by someone, but they all have the opportunity for redemption. Some accept this redemption, some never do, and in some instances, we are left to wonder.

The Despised include: Leah, Jonah, Tamar, Gomer, Balaam, and Judas.

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The Prophets

They have strange visions and disturbing dreams. They warn God’s people; they beg for repentance and weep over their sins. They are willing to be God’s mouthpieces, giving their lives so that others may find the way back to God.

The Prophets include: Elijah, Jeremiah, Zachariah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah.

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The Kings

Wise. Foolish. Wicked. Faithful.

The kings of the Bible are as varied and as human as we are. The stories of their weaknesses and strengths, struggles and triumphs don’t just belong to rulers of long ago; they belong to us as well. Experience what these leaders of old have to say to God’s people today.

The Kings include: David, Hezekiah, Joash, Josiah, Solomon, Saul.

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The Disciples

We often think of the disciples as larger-than-life icons of the faith. But in truth they were ordinary men who struggled with their brokenness, much as we do. The Disciples examines the lives of six men whom God used in powerful ways—and how he brings that same transformative power to us today.

The Disciples include: Peter, Andrew, John, Bartholomew, Thomas, and Matthew.

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The Women

When faced with difficulty, uncertainty or risk, our character and faith are put to the test. Discover how God used unlikely women like these to shape not just their own futures but also the futures of their people for generations to come.

The Women include Esther, Ruth, Miriam, Rahab, Hagar, and Deborah.

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The Patriarchs

While all the Patriarchs of the Bible are uniquely different, they share one similarity: they were were broken but willing men God used to form the heritage of our faith. They walked with God to face the challenges of oppression, corruption, enemies and more—living extraordinary lives of faith and earning their roles as the forerunners of Christianity.

The Patriarchs include: Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and Joshua.

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The Unnamed

While these six characters don't have names, their identity in Scripture uncovers a piece of their story. Each an outcast by society’s standards, they are the unclean, the disabled, the marginalized ones we only know because Jesus dared to interact with them. Their names are not known to us, but we know their stories and how encountering Jesus gave them identity.

The Unnamed include The Bent-Over Woman, The Woman at the Well, The Good Samaritan, The Man Born Blind, The Gadarene Demoniac, and The Unclean Woman.

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