
Faith and righteousness are the two words we can call to mind most easily when discussing Abraham. And Abraham is faithful, and God makes him righteous as a reward for his faithfulness. But Abraham's life is not an easy one, and his story is not about him. It is about God and what God does for God's people.

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Meet Abraham

  • The Departure
  • The Crossroads
  • The Covenant
  • The Friendship
  • The Assurance
  • The Foreshadowing
Abram has been raised in a polytheistic culture, and God rocks his whole world by calling him to leave everything he's ever known to follow God.
Abram is still getting used to trusting this new God who has made enormous promises to him, so he enacts a backup plan at the first sign of trouble.
Abram finally gets a concrete, tangible interaction from God that seals the promises God has made to Abram.
Abram becomes Abraham in this story, and learns the significance of having a truly intimate relationship with the one God.
Abraham and Sarah finally have the heir God promised. But Abraham is caught between a rock and a hard place when it seems he must make a choice between pleasing his wife and providing for his illegitimate firstborn son, Ishmael.
Abraham faces the biggest trial of his difficult life when God asks him to sacrifice his and Sarah’s only son, Isaac.

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