The Disciples

We often think of the disciples as larger-than-life icons of the faith. But in truth they were ordinary men who struggled with their brokenness, much as we do. The Disciples examines the lives of six men whom God used in powerful ways—and how he brings that same transformative power to us today.

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Meet The Disciples

  • Peter
  • Andrew
  • John
  • Bartholomew
  • Thomas
  • Matthew
Normally bold and brash, Peter can't let go of the fact that he denied Jesus. And faced with the risen Christ, he wonders if Jesus will ever be able to forgive him.
Always in his charismatic brother's shadow, Andrew finds he has a significant role to play as a follower of Jesus—even if it is behind the scenes.
Alone on the isle of Patmos, John must choose between giving in to despair or waiting expectantly for what God will do next.
Restless and dissatisfied with the status quo, Bartholemew finds himself ready for change through a rabbi who sees right into his heart.
In the last few minutes of his life, Thomas reflects on his journey from doubter to faithful apostle who spread the gospel around the world.
Rejected by everyone because of his vocation, Matthew finds hope and acceptance with Jesus and his new followers.

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