The Unnamed

The Unnamed are the unclean, the disabled, the marginalized ones we only know because of Jesus’ connection to them. Their names are not known to us, but we know the stories of these outcasts and how Jesus gave them identity.

Unnamed Small Group: $29.99

Workbook for Individuals and Small Groups: $8.99

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Meet The Unnamed

  • The Bent Over Woman
  • The Woman at the Well
  • The Good Samaritan
  • The Man Born Blind
  • The Gadarene Demoniac
  • The Unclean Woman
Hunched, crooked, and in constant pain, she lived in the shadows of society—unwanted and unloved. Yet hope stirred in her heart when she heard a certain rabbi would be at the synagogue.
She heard the whispers, saw the disapproving stares. She accepted that she was tainted, different—other. She never thought it could be any other way.
Broken, bleeding, and left for dead, a traveler struggles to accept help from the unlikeliest of people.
After a lifetime without sight, he knew most people were blind toward him, too. At best, he hoped for a few coins tossed his way out of pity. Why should this day be any different?
He was tormented in mind and body, no longer fit for human company. Some said he was barely human at all. But even in his darkness, he could see the light.
The law said she must live apart, alone. And for years she did. She was untouchable, and she could not touch another person—certainly not a rabbi.

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