The Despised

The people whose stories are told here are all despised by someone, but they all have the opportunity for redemption. Some accept this redemption, some never do, and in some instances, we are left to wonder.

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Meet The Despised

  • Leah
  • Jonah
  • Tamar
  • Gomer
  • Balaam
  • Judas
Wounded, lonely, jealous Leah has always been second best to her sister, Rachel. But in the midst of her bitterness and pain, she discovers an unexpected blessing.
Stubborn, resentful Jonah has given up on the people to whom God sends him to prophesy—but little does he know what God has planned.
Tamar is a young, wide-eyed princess with the whole world ahead of her. But all is not well in the royal family, and tragedy lurks in the shadows.
Wild, beautiful, and stubborn, Gomer has been beaten down for years; she knows that nothing in life is free. But at her lowest point, she encounters grace in a place she least expects.
Balaam, a pagan sorcerer, makes his living by foretelling blessings and curses for the world’s rich and powerful. When an unexpected offer comes his way, God teaches him an unforgettable lesson.
Backstabber. Betrayer. Sinner. Judas can never forgive himself for what he’s done—and he’s convinced that God can’t either.

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