The Women

The Women sheds light on six women touched by God in unique ways. In a time where females had little perceived value in the world, God used these individuals to protect, serve, love and lead in ways that impacted generations to come.

Women Small Group: $29.99

Workbook for Individuals and Small Groups: $8.99

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Meet The Women

  • Esther
  • Ruth
  • Miriam
  • Rahab
  • Hagar
  • Deborah
The whole of Esther’s life has led up to this moment. Can she do what is necessary to save her people—and will it cost her everything?
Loyalty has brought Ruth to this far-off place and an unknown future. Now she must find the courage to follow the only path of redemption left.
Miriam has always been one to speak up and speak her mind. That boldness proves to be a two-edged sword that can both lead others in praise and bring punishment upon herself.
With an attack on her city imminent, Rahab must take a leap of faith that could either save her family or destroy it completely.
Used and rejected, Hagar finds herself desperate and alone—until God shows her that she, too, has value and a place in his story.
In a time when few women had a voice, Deborah was chosen to lead—not by strength, but by the power that comes through listening to and speaking with God’s voice.

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