
Mary goes from being a pregnant social outcast, to the mother of God, to a parent steeped in grief, to a firm and devoted disciple of Jesus Christ. Not many people would say their lives could compare to that. And yet, the pattern of Mary’s life follows a familiar road any Christian might recognize in varying detail. God radically reorients the life of a believer, and even the mother of God’s own Son is not exempt from that reorientation.

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Join Mary's story

  • Expectation
  • Rift
  • Release
  • Unfolding
  • Disillusion
  • Abiding
Mary believes the angel of God when he tells her that she will give birth to God's Son—but will anyone else?
Mary informs her family of what the angel of God has told her, even though she knows it will cause conflict, and even though Joseph—her betrothed—may choose to leave her.
Mary must confront every mother's most difficult challenge: letting her little boy grow up and into the man God intends him to be.
Mary has believed from the start that God will use her son, Jesus, to save God's people—but might Mary and Jesus have different ideas about what "saving" means?
Was Mary a fool to believe in God? In Jesus, her own son? Jesus is dead. Where is God now?
True to character, God keeps God's promises again and again and again. Mary and the disciples joyfully receive the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised before ascending to heaven.

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