The Followers

Sometimes we all need to be shown what to do, and whom we follow often says as much about us as it does about the leader. The people in The Followers all look to Jesus to know what to do with their lives. But because of his presence and the changing work his sacrifice creates in their lives, they know exactly where they are headed.

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Meet The Followers

  • Mary
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Stephen
  • Barnabas
  • Luke
  • Paul
Mary is just a poor girl from a small town—until an angel visits her with unbelievable news. Scared, confused, but courageous, Mary discovers the astonishing gift that awaits when she accepts God’s call.
She is an outsider, a loser, a non-person—until Jesus invites her to follow him. Now that her beloved Lord is dead, Mary Magdalene struggles to find the strength to go on.
Burning with passion for the risen Savior, Stephen shares the good news with anyone who will listen. But when the church’s enemies catch wind of his teachings, danger awaits.
Silent, strong Barnabas is a pillar of the early church, and the people look to him for leadership. So when the infamous persecutor Saul breaks into their fragile, oppressed congregation, Barnabas must decide what to do.
Stuck in Rome as he cares for Paul in prison, Luke pines for the days when he was active in apostolic missionary work. But in the restless waiting and wondering, he rediscovers his call to serve.
Transformed from a ruthless persecutor into a legendary apostle, Paul is relentless in his proclamation of the gospel. So when he encounters opposition in the world’s epicenter of philosophy and religion, he boldly speaks a message the world will never forget.

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