
Sarah appears to be a periphery character throughout much of Genesis, yet she is irrevocably part of God's promise to Abraham. She is chosen too. God uses her too. And, most importantly, even after Sarah shows herself to be a strong-willed, sometimes shortsighted woman, God redeems her too.

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Meet Sarah

  • Bride
  • The Barren
  • The Helpless
  • The Miracle
  • The Threat
  • The Grieving
Young and hopeful, Sarah marries Abram and embarks with some trepidation on what will turn out to be a difficult journey.
Sarah grapples with her role as Abram's wife, knowing God has promised him descendants but wondering how that promise will be fulfilled if she cannot bear children.
For the second time in their lives together, Abraham tries to control fate by giving a powerless Sarah to another man.
Finally! Something good has come into Sarah's long and difficult life. With the birth of Isaac, she becomes a personal witness to one of the promises of God.
Sarah must grapple with the consequences of her own past decisions that have brought her now to a place of insecurity, and in direct conflict with Hagar and Ishmael.
This creative speculation imagines what might have happened if Sarah's death occurred as a result of her grief over the pending sacrifice of Isaac.

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